A frequently-asked question by my clients is whether a DSL connection, cable connection or fiber-optic connection is optimal for their home or business. In the Central Contra Costa County service area which I service regularly, the choice for DSL is ATT, while Comcast and Astound offer cable connections. The phone company, ATT, is also beginning to roll out and offer fiber optic-based services.
In most cases, I prefer the reliability and stability of the DSL connection. While DSL connections can be somewhat slower than cable, the speed is constant and is not affected by other users in the neighborhood. All three of these companies, though, do offer some attractive bundles which include phone service, high-speed internet, and, in some cases, TV. Advanced TV from ATT is the newest addition to the its lineup. Comcast and Astound pricing to cable high-speed internet is higher that the phone company, but may make sense for businesses, especially of multiple users on on the system at once and they are sending and receiving large attachments or watching a lot of online video.
In the end, there is always a tradeoff between price and speed. Please contact your IT service provider or tom@grundigconsulting.com if you have any questions. It is highly advisable to have someone to help you select the right service for you or your business which will work now and in the future.