Using a slow computer workstation is one of the must frustrating things for anyone trying to get something done on a computer, particularly with the mounting list of tasks that each of us must accomplish during the workday.
A common request with by small business owners and managers and computer users is “. . . Speed up my workstation.” Usually, one can do any of the following, and in the following order (Reply to this post with a questions or talk to your IT consultant if anything is unclear.)
1) Disable startup applications using the Microsoft system configuration utility. Each application thinks it’s really important, but they don’t all have to load when the workstation is started up.
2) Add memory – memory is used by the operating sytem and also by running applications. Increasing memory allows on to run more application at the same time while also increasing performance
3) Defragment the hard drive – After years of use, files on the hard drive are not necessarily stored in a continuous space on the hard drive. Defragmenting will rearrange the files more efficiently and should result in a performance improvement.
4) Replace the workstation and transfer data and possibly, applications, to the new workstation. Most expensive of the options here, but often the most effective. Most companies and organizations have a 3 or 4 year replacement cycle for workstations. Options from Dell for Small Business are outlined here.