If you run a small business in today’s technological world, you likely use computers, internet connections, and other digital media to complete your work. With all the other decisions and details of running a small business, you do not want to neglect the importance of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is essential to protect your business, your proprietary business information, and your customers’ information. There are multiple ways to protect the technological side of your business, and these are usually used in combination. Some of the best small business security solutions include:
Security Firewalls
Your small business network can be protected by firewalls as a first line of defence. A firewall is a network security tool that tracks incoming and outgoing cyber-traffic. The firewall is programmed to allow or block certain digital traffic. Firewalls are a primary component of network security defense. Firewalls can be established for a certain network, computer, server, or a particular workstation.
Network Permissions
If multiple people will be accessing your small business network, you will need to establish network permissions, usernames, and passwords for each person. You may have various levels of permission, giving different employees appropriate levels of access (for example, a cashier at your small business would only need access to the check-out operating system, not other confidential digital files). Your network will also need to have certain password policies encoded. You may also want to implement two-factor authentication. This requires users to not only provide their usernames and passwords to access the network, but also some information only they would know (such as the name of their first pet).
Data Encryption
Encryption involves encoding information so that only the person, computer, or network with the proper digital key can access the information. At that point, the information becomes decoded and accessible. This process helps to protect the data and network from unauthorized access. This is important when your network holds sensitive information that you need to protect (like social security or credit card numbers). There are two types of encryption algorithms and they work in different ways so be sure to speak to an IT expert for the right solution for you.
Intrusion Detection
With cybersecurity, you want to protect your information and network from outside intruders. Computer viruses, malware, and spam all represent threats to your system (as well as annoyances that can slow down our workflow). You will need anti-spam, anti-virus, and malware protection. Each protection needs to be properly installed, then set to monitor unwanted attempts to access.
If trying to understand cybersecurity information feels like another language, or if running a small business gives you no time to focus on the technological side of things, then hire a reliable IT consultant to establish your cybersecurity. Specialists in cybersecurity can work with you to set up the physical and digital components that you need and ensure they are matched to the demands of your business. Once you establish a relationship with a cybersecurity company, then they can also help you to maintain the system and work with you to troubleshoot any problems that may occur to ensure a safe, secure network for your small business.